NEANIAS (Novel EOSC Services for Emerging Atmosphere, Underwater & Space Challenges) is an ambitious project that comprehensively addresses the challenges set out in the ‘Roadmap for EOSC’ foreseen actions.

Underwater surveys have numerous scientific and commercial applications in the fields of archaeology, geology, biology, and energy involving tasks such as ancient shipwreck prospection, ecological studies, environmental damage assessment, and detection of temporal changes. NEANIAS is developing the following underwater services that will be onboarded to EOSC:

NEANIAS Underwater U1 BAT Service. Bathymetry Mapping from Acoustic Data service.

Bathymetry Mapping from Acoustic Data service delivers an advanced user-friendly, cloud-based version of the popular open source MB-System software for post-processing bathymetry through Jupyter notebooks with additional functionalities.

NEANIAS Underwater U2 MOS Service. Seafloor Mosaicing from Optical Data

The Seafloor Mosaicing from Optical Data service provides an operational solution for large area representation (in the order of tens of thousands of images) of the, predominantly flat, seafloor addressing also visibility limitations from the underwater medium.

NEANIAS Underwater U3 Map Service. Seabed Classification from Multispectral, Multibeam Data service presentation.

The Seabed Classification from Multispectral, Multibeam Data service delivers a user-friendly cloud-based solution integrating cutting-edge machine learning frameworks for mapping several seabed classes, validated for archeological, geo-hazards, energy, and other applications.

organising committee

Hosting at Aix Marseille University

Ass. Prof. Kalliopi Baika, Associate Professor in Mediterranean Maritime Archaeology - Aix-Marseille University, Centre Camille Jullian (CNRS-AMU).

Prof. Jean Christophe Sourisseau, Professor of Greek Archaeology – Aix-Marseille University / UNESCO Chair of Maritime and Coastal Archaeology / Director of the Institute for Mediterranean Archaeology (ARKAIA).

Jafar Anbar, PhD candidate in Maritime Archaeology - CIVIS joint PhD degree, Aix-Marseille University and National and Kapodistrian University of Athens.

Vassilis Papadakis, Master MoMArch (Master of Maritime and Coastal Archaeology), Aix Marseille University.

NEANIAS H2020 Project Direction and Coordination

Mema Roussopoulos, Project Coordinator, Professor of Computer Science, Department of Informatics and Telecommunications, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (NKUA).

Eleni Petra, Project Manager, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (NKUA).

Georgios Kakaletris, Technical Manager, Chief Research and Innovation Officer at the Communication & Information Technologies Experts SA (CITE).

WP2 workshops leaders

Ass. Prof. Paraskevi Nomikou, Associate Professor in Geological Oceanography and Natural Geography at the Faculty of Geology and Geo-Environment, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens.

Ass. Prof. Konstantinos Karantzalos, Associate Professor at the National Technical University of Athens - The Remote Sensing Laboratory (ATHENA Research Center).