Registration fees

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Registration fee: 100 euros

Student registration fee (Undergraduate, Master or PhD student): 25 euros

The registration fee includes: Ice- Breaker cocktail buffet, welcoming cocktail buffet offered by the Institute of Mediterranean Archaeology - ARKAIA, coffee breaks, certain lunch buffets

This fee does not include two optional social events :

- Gala dinner (30th of September)

A gala dinner will be held to celebrate the end of the First International Conference of Mediterranean Harbour & Coastal Archaeology. More information on the event will be communicated in the coming months.

Participation fee: 40 euros

- Excursion (1st of October)

More information on the event will be communicated in the coming months.

Participation fee: 20 euros (Maximum 50 people)

Bursaries and Invitations

Mediterranean Archaeology Institute - ARKAIA

The Mediterranean Archaeology Institute-ARKAIA is offering one invitation to a student (PhD or Master student) in Maritime Archaeology that will present a paper or a poster in the conference. The Invitation will cover your traveling and accommodation expenses as well as the Registration fee.

Criteria :

Master or PhD student in Maritime Archaeology

Submit an abstract for a Poster or Paper presentation and a short CV.

To apply :

Send your abstract, short CV and motivation letter to the following email Please entitle your email ARKAIA invitation.

Honor Frost Foundation

The Honor Frost Foundation is offering 3 bursaries to students (PhD or Master student) in Maritime Archaeology that will present a paper or a poster in the conference. The bursary is 1000 euros and will contribute in covering the expenses of traveling (including visas) and accommodation as well as the registration fee.

Criteria :

Master or PhD students in Maritime Archaeology.

Students must be from the HFF region (Egypt, Lebanon, Syria, Cyprus) or an early career researcher working in the HFF region.

Submit an abstract for a Poster or Paper presentation that is going to be accepted by the scientific committee.

Submit a full report on the event to the Honor Frost Foundation at the end of the conference.

To apply :

To submit for this bursary please fill in the form via the HFF website ( Mediterranean Harbour Cities Conference – Honor Frost Foundation )


We are happy to announce that the following bursaries were granted to students attending the conference with the support of ARKAIA (Institut d’Archéologie Méditerranéenne) and HFF (Honor Frost Foundation).


Cristina Laurenti - DPhil Candidate in Classical Archaeology Keble College, University of Oxford

Jamal Khalid -MA student Benghazi University/ Libya

Saad Mohamed Abdulsalam- MA student Omar Mukhtar University


Maria Micahel-Independent Researcher, and Honor Frost Foundation Scholar

Aya Helmy - MA student CMAUCH

Mirette Magdi Labib Sidhom Abdelnour - MA student CMAUCH

Hassan HajjAli - MA student AUB

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